Global Tara Entertainment.
Movies , Music and Entertainment.

About Us

Global Tara Entertainment

 The Dutch Indian based production house provides a full production service for all Media and Platforms.

 Our offices are based in our home country The Netherlands, Europe and in India.

We have (Inter)National Experience in (line) producing film, photoshoots video(clips), commercials , short films, (line)Productions, and
the scouting and arranging of locations in both the continents.

We can deliver you a custom made online location proposal.


Our crews are very flexible and English speaking. We provide various ethnicities for casting. 99% of the Dutch cast speaks EnglishWith Belgium , Germany , Luxembourg and the UK next door, we have close connections with casting agencies in those countries.

 Line producer in India 

Over the decades of excellence, ICM is one of the Oldest Talent Management company in Film and Television Industry delivering its excellence eye of talents to TV serials, Bollywood movies, South Movies, TVCs and Events. Ruling the roost in overwhelming artist in the TV and films space, ICM was incorporated as a Private Limited company under the Companies Act 1956 as Indian Celebrity Management Private Limited under the ownership of Mr. Ajay Chabbria. The main business of the Company is Talent Management, Event Management, Casting, Production for television serials and films etc.

How do we work

1. Concept:

Firstly, you will receive a creative consultation. Together we will refine ideas, agree objectives, understand your audience and analyse the competition. Stand by for scripts, storyboards, and mood boards. Casting talent, selecting filming locations and sourcing music is what this part of the process is about.

2. Production:

Lights, camera, action! This is the most exciting part of at the process and we have everything you need in-house. Thanks to all of our carefully planed out pre-production, our crew begin bringing ideas to life. See you on set!

3. Post-production:

Now our editors get to work fitting everything together, bringing your messages to life. Our online post-prodution workflow saves time and money! Most of our projects are signed-off by the second edit review.

4. Publish:

It’s Showtime! With the final video signed off, we will take total control of the delivery of the finished product to your audience, ensuring your video plays on all modern devices and is works well with popular social network.

Youtube: Global Tara Entertainment